Monday, November 3, 2008

thing #6

This time, we’re supposed to look at outside applications that use flickr. Some of them are rather interesting and we’re to play with them, pick one and write about it. The suggested choices were to make trading cards, but frankly, I’ve never understood the fascination with trading cards (real or digital) and from all the surfing I’ve done, the whole meme doesn’t really click with me. Maybe cause there’s too much reading with them. I prefer funny pictures with short captions if any.

Instead, I’ve decided to write about colrpickr. It’s rather neat to play with, letting you choose a color and then retrieving pictures with that main color. You can also choose what subject matter you want – Color Fields, Flowers, Crayon Box, Squared Circle, Graffiti, Flickr Central, Doors and Windows, Macro, Textures, Urban Decay, Catchy Colors, Stock Repository, JPG Magazine. Once again, I could find myself spending hours at this site, just looking at all the pictures and classifications. Honestly, I have no idea what kind of application this could have in the real world, but it’s still neat to play with. (actually, that sounds like most of the things in my life)

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