Monday, November 3, 2008

thing #7 – blog about anything to do with technology

Okay, there’s an easy one. I’m already a bit of a geek and have an ingrained fascination with technology. I’m pretty sure it’s my father’s fault seeing all the tech stuff in the basement and everything else I take after from him with. Besides, it’s good to have someone to blame when I don’t have food for a week because I bought something else for my computer or handheld. I also blame him for my money management skills (or lack there of).

Actually, maybe this is harder than I thought. What part of technology do I want to write about? When did I first use a mouse? I was probably in 2nd or 3rd grade and it’s all a little vague back then (come to think of it, most of my life is a little vague – migraines). Sending a memo via email instead of a fax? Um… never faxed a memo. I do remember the old ditto machine from 1st or 2nd grade. It took up a lot of space (but I was rather small then) and again, most memories of it are kinda vague. I do remember the smell of fresh dittoed papers (with my migraines I have trouble with an ultra sensitivity to smells so I remember a lot of things by scent.) and now I work by the (former) stockyards – great choice there, huh?

I ramble a lot don’t I?

I guess I’m one of the early home computer-era kids. I was taught to type in third grade and had a computer class every semester until well into high school. Email became a big thing just as I entered college and after the first couple years there, the internet we currently know (with images instead of text based) was coming into use. I even think like a computer – everything in folders and subfolders so everything is in its logical place – at least logical to me. I try to do everything electronically that I can. All my bills are paid online or set up as direct withdraw from my checking account. I went for more than six months without using a checkbook just to see if I could do it. Turns out I can and it’s probably better that way because I had an old book of checks stolen and had to end my experiment because I got a new box of checks when I had to change my account number. I had to use them for a few weeks while all the electronic payments were changed to my new account. I haven’t sent a piece of mail in 8 months – I’ll send it via email or fax if absolutely necessary. I tried not opening my mail for three months and that really didn’t work. Apparently some people rely on snailmail for bill notices and stuff like that. All my reminder notes are set up on various computers I log into at different times of the day. I’ve started attending classes for my MLS degree and all the notes are taken on the computer and stored on a flash drive.

God help me if I lose that flash drive or there is a really long power outage ‘cause then I’m kinda screwed.

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